
Featured Services

Nueromuscular Reeducation 

Nueromuscular reeducation is another intervention that we use to help patients avoid surgery. Sometimes when muscles sustain damage or become inflamed, some of the myofibrils (one of the smallest functional parts of the muscle fiber) inactivate to protect themselves during the healing process.

Sometimes they don’t reactivate when they should, or if they do, they are out of sync with the rest of the muscle and innervating nerves. Nueromuscular reeducation is a method we use to help restore optimal muscle function by applying specific electro-harmonic frequencies in conjunction with a vitamin serum that helps muscles and nerves become activated and synchronized. This system has an excellent track record of improving range of motion, decreasing pain, and increasing strength in areas of pain and weakness. 

Neuropathy is a condition of nerve dysfunction that is generally caused by impaired circulation. The most common risk factors for this condition are diabetes, obesity, and smoking, but there are others as well. Neuropathy treatment options are limited. The most common answer to neuropathic pain is increasing doses of gabapentin which is not a good answer for most people. Nueromuscular reeducation can reduce pain associated with neuropathy as well as improve symptoms of numbness, tingling, and sensations of impaired range of motion. It has been extremely rewarding to provide relief to a patient population that is looking for something besides increasing doses of gabapentin to treat their nerve dysfunction. The results have been truly impressive. When I first learned of this treatment method I was skeptical, and generally I don’t put much stock in anything that doesn’t have a significant body of peer reviewed research to back it up, but I thought “nothing else is really helping people, so let’s give it a shot.”  Thus far, I have not been disappointed. – Kirk Waldron

Trigger Point Injections

Trigger Point Injections alleviate pain, break down muscle spasms, and reset the muscle so that it can work the ways that it’s supposed to.  With an increase in function, improved flexibility, and less pain, a patient will recover more quickly and the progress made is easier to maintain.


NEW! Just Released: Local Auto Injury Doctor Exposes The Shocking Truth About What Many People Overlook When They Experience Any Type Of Car Accident…

“How To Avoid The Hidden Killer That Many Car Accident Victims Unknowingly Inherit Immediately After Their Collision!”

WARNING: Not Knowing This Simple Piece Of Information Could Cost You Time, Money, And Years Of Pain And Suffering! Read Below”

Dear Concerned Car Accident Victim,

Please take a minute from your busy schedule and read this letter. I promise you, you won’t regret it. It contains some shocking information that you’d wish you never ignored, so don’t even think about skipping through this letter without reading every word carefully and thoroughly.

Imagine for a moment that 6 months from today, as you awake from a nice restful sleep, you get yourself into a seated position, take a step out of bed, and all of a sudden you feel a sharp unexpected pain in your upper neck.

You think to yourself, “Did I do something different over the past few days?” “Did I do this carrying the groceries?” “Was it the way I was sleeping?” It then occurs to you. Your ears start ringing. You remember what you heard about car accident victims.

You remember your mother or maybe even a close friend telling you that sometimes the slightest fender bender can cause permanent damage to your back, neck or spine, especially if it’s not taken care of or examined right away.

You think about all the time that went by. You think and wonder if it’s to late to get help and fix the problem. Unfortunately, it is too late. The problem has now grown into a bigger situation, one that will haunt you and cause you indescribable pain and suffering for the rest of your life.

Here’s How You Can Avoid This Catastrophe… (I Don’t Mean To Paint Such A Nasty Picture, But I Practically Live My Life Hearing Stories Such As This!”)

I would like to tell you about a very simple way you can avoid being the exact person I described above. My name is Dr. Hoopes and I help all types of car accident victims identify and prevent small, unnoticeable injuries from growing into permanent, painful, life-altering situations.

Let’s face it, you’ve been in a car accident. You’re probably a little shaken up, maybe even seriously injured. The last thing you want to hear is more negativity. You’ve dealt with your car damage, possibly the other cars damage, insurance company’s, maybe hospital bills, maybe even lawyers and prosecuting attorneys.

Maybe you’re even getting ready to settle your case and you’re glad this whole thing is finally about to be over. If I were you, I’d wait a minute before I settled anything. You could have life-altering, hidden, soft tissue injuries that may not erupt for months or years down the road. It’s like a volcano just waiting to explode!

When it does, the pain may come on quick and unfortunately, may not be fixable due to the permanent damage caused by neglect. The last thing you want to happen is to let something like this slip by. You must take precautions to prevent this disaster!
“Why Is This Tiny Little Problem More Important Than Your Current ‘Feeling’ Or Condition?”

Your present physical well being is important, but I want to tell you about something that is more important than all that…your future physical well being. Think of the things you have planned in the future. The fun, the vacations, the kids, holidays, nights out with your loved one. These are priceless times that you don’t want to ruin just because of a silly car accident or a mistake in preventive maintenance.

Even though the emotions of experiencing a car accident are very intense, believe it or not, you will get over it. You will be okay and forget about it. However, even though our minds may forget, the hidden damage that may happen to your body during a car accident, your body will remember very well.

I have to say emphatically that you must not take for granted your current condition, even if you’re feeling better and were in the smallest accident!
“The Horrific Surprise That Many Car Accident Victims Experience After It’s Too Late”

Many car accident victims contract “soft tissue injuries”. Your soft tissue injury is something that many x-rays and doctors cannot detect. This is what makes them so dangerous. It’s like a small paper cut that never heals itself. It just continues to get worse and open larger and larger until the index finger is rendered useless unless it is treated properly.

The problem is that most doctors recommend pain medication after someone experiences an accident. Of course, pain medication helps, especially with unbearable, urgent pain, but for long-term healing and recuperation, it can become your worst enemy.

When you take medication, you numb yourself. In your own mind, you feel everything is okay. Then your insurance company closes the case because you feel okay but then months later the body remembers what happened.

The soft tissue injury can get worse and you can potentially create long-term damage that will terrorize you and haunt you for the rest of your life. This not only takes away from your quality of living, but it also prevents you from living your life to the fullest, the way you deserve to. Not to mention get the possible settlement you deserve if you were in an accident that wasn’t your fault.
“What Not To Do If You’ve Been In An Auto Accident”
Believe it or not, some people who experience accidents have pain and still avoid getting treatment. They think “My pain will go away, I’m okay.” Or, “This medication seems to be helping, there wasn’t that much damage, it was just a fender bender!” Or, “I’m in pretty good shape, I’m fine, I’m just happy I survived!” Don’t make these excuses.

Some even have an ego and think they’re tough enough to survive anything. This strength and courage is admirable, but the pain will be unbearable!

Listen, soft tissue injury is no joke, you owe it yourself to be sure. You need to be sure your body has not received a soft tissue injury, even if you’ve gotten an x-ray.

Have you felt any of these symptoms recently or after your accident:

  • Headaches
  • Headaches that feel like eye aches
  • Numbness
  • Tingling in any area of the body
  • Any back pain or stiffness whatsoever
  • Stiff neck
  • Squirming in your sleep
  • Unable to get sleep sometimes
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Mentally depressed
  • Unable to concentrate
  • Feeling tired too often

I’m trained in helping accident victims like yourself. I want you to know, that if you have been even in a small car accident, you should get checked immediately. Even if you choose to go to a car accident injury specialist, make sure you see someone as soon as possible!
“The Simple Step You Must Take To Ensure That You Avoid This Foolish Mistake!”

Someone who will know exactly what to look for in the cracks and crevices of your body…BUT, and I mean BUT…if you have even one of the symptoms above, you should run into my office and get help immediately!

I couldn’t say it more seriously, if you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms you could very well have a soft tissue problem that could potentially be damaging to you now and in the future. Follow the directions below and take a simple step to be sure. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Here’s what we’re willing to do:
We’d like to offer you a FREE Auto Accident Soft Tissue Injury Consultation that gives you a step-by-step formula for detecting any soft tissue injuries and identifies exactly if and how severe the problem may be.
I would like to offer you this limited opportunity to get this consultation for FREE! This is valued up to $175! So you can sleep at night knowing you’re going to be okay and that your body is free from any hidden injuries…
Here’s what you need to do right now:
Call us at 435-723-0517 for a FREE Auto Accident Soft Tissue Injury Consultation.

By the way, you don’t have to decide now if you want or even need regular treatment- just get your Free Consultation at our risk by calling us at 435-723-0517 before it’s too late. Again, I can only offer this for FREE for a limited time.
Can I help you detect and prevent present and future pain and suffering?

Possibly…Nothing is guaranteed. But the only way to ensure of this is to take the first step by taking action and calling us right now!

I know it may be difficult for you to do this. Maybe you thought the nightmare was over and this letter has gotten you a little nervous and thinking about the accident again. That’s okay, that’s the exact reason why you must force yourself right now to call us and get your FREE Consultation!
You owe it to yourself to finally do something and get things taken care of once and for all. This is your first step to doing just that….

There is absolutely no way that you can lose – except by not taking me up on risk-free consultation.

Remember, don’t put this off. Even if for some reason you’re still considering recommendations from your family doctor, or pills, you must try to solve the real problem first. Before doing the temporary options and before your problem gets worse and worse due to neglect, let us see if we can help.
Again, just call us at 435-723-0517 and let us take care of the rest!. The ball’s in your court!
To your health,

Dr. Jeremiah Hoopes

PS. Remember, this offer is only valid for a limited time. We can’t give this away forever! This is a no obligation, FREE consultation to determine the exact cause of the symptoms you are experiencing! You’ll then feel great knowing you’re one step closer to knowing exactly what’s causing your pain (and even better if you leave with relief!)

Dear Carpal Tunnel Sufferer,

You’re about to get the real deal, the plain truth on how to relieve Carpal Tunnel Pain the safe and healthy way. Most sufferers in our town never knew this tiny little unknown truth until they read this report. Their eyes became open to the simple solution…and they finally rejoiced when they relieved this dastardly condition of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome! 

If you have wrist pain or you’ve been suffering from any variation of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, you’re going to love this letter! It truly contains the secret to relieving your wrist pain and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in a safe, healthy way! And you may be saying right now , “That’s all great, fine and dandy…

I know. It hurts. You hate typing, You hate writing, You’re not as effective and productive. You can’t take the pain!! You’re fed up. Your aching wrists just about ruin everything from your productivity at work, to a night out with your friends. And it seems you’ve tried everything. You do the stretches, the bends, the walks to the water fountain, anything to ease and forget about the pain.

You probably remember when you first started to experience discomfort. You probably never imagined it would get like this. You thought it would go away, but like so many others, it just keeps getting worse. You hear the horror stories of surgery, maybe you’re considering it. Even though you don’t want to go through with it…you just want your wrists back!

I know it’s difficult. I see many people such as yourself that ask, “When is it going to stop?”

Hi, my name is Dr. Hoopes. I have helped many people with wrist pain and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. I decided to write this report because my office is flooded with people asking questions about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Like yourself, they want answers.

Believe me, I want to help you but if you want the pain to stop, you must listen very closely to what I’m about to say about getting your life back and relieving the pain in your wrist. And you should forget about everything you ever heard before about wrist pain and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. You may even have to take a few steps back. It’s not your fault. I’m sure you’ve tried to get the right help, but only the truth is going to help you now.

It’s like going through a tough emotional, disagreement with a close friend and then trying to make the situation better by approaching the individual to rectify everything, but in the process of doing so, you make the matter worse. The person became angry. As a result, they don’t want to speak to you anymore. How would that make you feel? The feeling would be terrible.

You see, you took a step forward to make things right, but ended up going three steps back. It’s the same with many Carpal Tunnel Sufferers. If they only knew what you’re about to discover, it could have possibly saved them time, money, and many days of pain and suffering…

“Here’s The Grave Mistake That Many Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Victims Make…”

Taking 3 steps back is bad but it’s because most people believe and fall prey to all the fallacies and old wives tales that are out there about Carpal Tunnel relief.

For instance, when most of my Carpal Tunnel patients first come in, I ask them (most walk into my office with their splints on or their pills in hand, eyes watering with pain as they take out their insurance card or to complete the patient questionnaire), “What took you so long, what prevented you from coming in sooner?”

Nine out of ten times these helpless almost hopeless patients reply, “My family doctor told me to ___________” Or “My good friend told me to__________” …”but it didn’t work, I’m still in pain and I can’t take it!”
Now, you can fill in the blanks above with:

-take medication
-wear these splints
-get a cortisone shot
-have surgery
-do these exercises
the list goes on…

Why didn’t these things work to cure their Carpal Tunnel aches and pains? Why do many people GET WORSE when they do these things? Why don’t these things work for many, misled people every day? Simple. The reason is: These are temporary solutions. They address the symptom not the problem. 

Then why are all these fallacies and old wives tales circulating so fast and being believed by the public?  Who’s spreading them? Unfortunately, most of the time it’s doctors who really don’t know any better. Are the doctors hiding something, and why don’t they just come clean and give us the real deal answers?

“Why Many Doctors Wish You Never Knew This Little Tiny Secret…”

They don’t have a clue how to fix the problem because it’s not what they were trained to do! Nothing against them, they just weren’t schooled on finding the cures, i.e., treating the cure of wrist pain or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. They’re not a doctor that exclusively deals with Carpal Tunnel sufferers everyday, day in, and day out. First, don’t get me wrong, I love family doctors! I have nothing against them. However, if my family Doctor tried to fix my plumbing, I wouldn’t feel he was qualified or knowledgeable about this subject. This goes exactly the same with most doctors regarding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Many don’t want you to know that finding the source of the pain will cure the problem because they are not trained to find the source. No one likes to expose their “lack of”, especially when that someone is supposed to know. This results in un-needed operations and useless procedures, both we’ll speak about in a second.
To sum it up, most doctors treat the wrist, i.e., the spot of the pain, not the actual source of pain. In effect, they treat the symptom not the root of the problem. It’s not because they’re intentions are bad, it’s just because they’re not trained to treat the root of the problem, only the symptoms.

My goal with the next 3-5 minutes is to give you some critical knowledge and information that will help you take the steps to relieve your wrist pain the safe and healthy way by finding the exact culprit that’s causing it!

Carpal Tunnel wrist pain is tough to live with. You’re constantly nagged. It’s incredible how such a small thing can literally ruin your quality of life, your productivity and even your quest towards your family and personal goals.

You must not allow some silly little carpal bones in your wrist rob you of the quality of life you deserve. However, whatever you do, despite how desperate you may be getting, do not go the route I’m about to explain…

“Discover What Happens To Many People Who Try To Treat Their Carpal Tunnel Pain With Drugs, Surgery, Or Wrist Splints!”

(The Horrifying Truth About What These Things Do To Carpal Tunnel Sufferers)

Plain and simple, drugs and medication may make things worse for you. They’re a temporary fix. They numb the pain only, they do not heal the problem. They also have deadly side effects. One woman I know was on cortisone too long, became dependent on it, and literally destroyed her bone structure. Her bones became weak and fragile and would break at the slightest impact.

Then we have the surgical option. Carpal Tunnel surgery is rarely successful. A man I know had surgery just a few months ago. Not only was he out of work for 3-4 weeks (only received basic pay, lost money), but his surgery made things worse. Now he doesn’t have any feeling in his index finger tip and still suffers from wrist pain. In many cases, surgery is rolling the dice, taking a wishful shortcut that rarely solves the problem permanently.

Wrist splints are not only can be embarrassing, but face it, wrist splints are uncomfortable. They stand out and they make everyone look at you wondering what’s going on.

I believe the biggest problem with wrist splints is they are just another form of temporary relief and they cause scar tissue to develop in the wrist which can lead to bigger, long term problems. Wearing wrist splints is like wearing a band aid when you really need stitches; not only does it leave you open for worst problems, it’s only a temporary fix, it doesn’t “heal” the problem.

So, what do you do to cure your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, to relieve the ache and get back to doing the things you used to do before the sore, tender wrist pain came along? You must take some sort of action that will get to the root of your problem and systematically work to take care of your pain once and for all! 

If you’re willing to simply take an action step in the right direction, you can be pain free and get your life back fast, but more importantly, avoid any future pain and suffering. This is where most people have the most trouble. Not actually knowing what they must do, it’s actually doing it. Procrastination is the biggest obstacle you need to overcome.

The best way to do this is to force yourself to move away from any excuse, and take definite action towards what you know needs to be done. Are you beyond the thinking stage and ready to take the action you need to?

The bottom line of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is that there is a tightening of the structures of the wrist causing an irritation on the tendons and sheaths, nerves and blood vessels passing through the wrist.

Before doing anything, you must have someone examine the wrist and hand to determine if you do indeed have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Even though you may have been diagnosed with it, it may be something totally different and easier to fix.
Several specific orthopedic, chiropractic and nerve tests can be done to accurately determine CTS. The proper diagnosis must rule out misalignments, fractures, rheumatoid or osteoarthritis and Paget’s disease, gout myxedema, multiple myeloma, acromegaly (and other big words that sound complicated). These tests are quick and simple. But they will put us in the right ball park to hopefully discovering and curing your pain.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can come from many things, not just wrist problems:

1. Muscle spasms in the chest.

2. Neck vertebrae that need chiropractic adjustment.

3. Nerves that are pressed between the collarbone and ribs (from carrying heavy items on the shoulders such as a one side backpack strap or handbag or ropes over shoulders to carry buckets, etc.)

4. Vertebrae in the upper back (or, for that matter, anywhere in the spine) that need adjustment or alignment.

5. Incorrect ergonomics or “not working smart”, which leads to various muscle spasms and distorted posture, resulting in nerve irritation.

6. Clenching or grinding teeth, which can cause myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome, affecting the whole body, shoulders, arms and hands included.

7. Subluxations and/or muscle spasms anywhere from the hand and arm up to the neck.
Wouldn’t you want to rule out these things so you know for sure what’s going on?

“Who Else Wants Live Pain FREE…FOR FREE?

We’re located right here in our town and we can help determine the source of your pain for zero costs, i.e., FREE. That’s right FREE! We’re offering any Carpal Tunnel suffer a free diagnostic test and consultation that may determine exactly what is causing the wrist pain, and we’ll give this to you absolutely for FREE! All you have to do is say yes and take it.

This Free Consultation is valued up to $175 and will only be available for a limited time by calling us at 435-723-0517
For you, it’s perfect timing. Here’s why:

  • First, you must take care of your problem. You need to find out exactly what the real, true cause of your wrist pain is, we’ve already established all that.
  • Second, you don’t want to continue to hope you’ll find out on your own and put off the problem even more than you may have already. You know that, chances are, you’ll develop an advanced case of serious wrist malfunction. This would be very bad.
  • Third, you also know that it’s not the smartest thing to go to a non-wrist pain doctor because he or she may recommend some of the not so smart things we spoke about: drugs, surgery, meds, etc. All very bad and moving in the opposite direction you need to be going.
  • Fourth, you need to spend a few minutes with a doctor that deals with wrist pain and Carpal Tunnel pain. That’s exactly what we do here at Body Needs Chiropractic.

 To get your Free Consultation, just call us at 435-723-0517. When you call, we’ll schedule you for your Free Consultation worth up to $175. When you come in for your Free Consultation, we’ll do an evaluation and do our best to pinpoint the exact problem so we can concentrate on the healing the root of the problem not the symptom. In other words,

“If You Want To Feel Better And Finally Take Care Of Your Wrist Pain, Take This Tiny Little First Step And Work Towards Getting Rid Of It For Good!”

Here’s what you need to do now if you want to get to take the first steps to get your life back and rid your wrists of that awful nagging feeling:
Simply call, we’ll schedule you for your Free Consultation worth up to $175   if you decide to, we can meet at my office at a convenient time for you, I’ll evaluate you, do my best to target the problem and give you an action plan to relieve the pain!

Remember, don’t put this off. Even if for some reason you’re still considering surgery, family doctor recommendations, or pills, you must try to solve the real problem first before doing the temporary options and before your problem gets worse and worse due to neglect. We can help.
Again, just call us at 435-723-0517 and let us take care of the rest!. The ball’s in your court!
To your health,

-Dr. Jeremiah Hoopes

PS. Remember, this offer is only valid for a limited time. We can’t give this away forever! This is a no obligation FREE consultation to determine the exact cause of your wrist pain!

Dear Back Pain Sufferer,
If you’re looking for a quick, easy, and effective way to remove back pain…you’re going to love this letter. As promised,  here’s what it contains:

  •  The secret to relieving your back pain without using drugs, surgery, or any weird remedies or quick fixes!
  • 4 Secrets to Relieving Back Pain: You get the shocking truth about getting rid of back pain that many back pain sufferers discover after it’s too late.
  • The one step you can take to possibly (once and for all) relieve your back pain! 

If you’re like the hundreds of people in our town, who when they first read this information were a bit skeptical, “Yea right, back pain secret, I’ve tried everything” they’d say…or, “I’ve heard it all before, been to the doctors, seen the specialists….and my back still aches!”…
…if any of this is you…it’s okay, you’ll quickly change your mind when you, like them, see how Lumbar Cervical Decompression may be able to relieve your back pain. More on that in a minute, first, before go you any further, read the next statement very carefully (don’t read even one more word of this letter until you agree to,

“Forget Everything Anyone Has Ever Told You About Relieving Back Pain …With This New Technology, You May Be Able To Feel Better Even If You’ve Tried Everything Before!”

Even if you’re in severe pain and fed up with not being able to sit, stand, or even sleep without discomfort…maybe suffering this way for months or even years, forget about those crazy promises and maybe some really weird solutions or diagnosis some doctors, friends or even so-called specialists have told you.
You’re about to get the “no hype”, proven, natural way that many people relieve back pain…without all the glitz and glamour.
Let me introduce myself…my name is Dr. Hoopes. I’m a Back Pain Relief Doctor. As a matter of fact, most of my day consists of helping people in your exact, painful situation. Many people come to my office each day with back pain and leave feeling much better due to our all-new LCD treatment technology. This doesn’t happen to everyone. Sometimes it takes days, even weeks before the pain is totally gone.
We have one of the only LCD treatment centers right here in our city and I love hearing or even seeing the tremendous impact this technology is making in the lives of so many people in our neighborhood. Some of our patients suffered from back pain for a long time, some caught the problem in the beginning stages (very smart), but all, before they used this all new technology, were suffering, maybe like you are right now.
The pain was impeding on their quality of life, stopping them from doing activities they enjoyed and virtually ruining their zest for life. Every day, whether it was a night out with the family, or a day home with the kids was wrecked due to the inconvenient pain in their lower or upper back.

“Here’s What You Need To Know To Relieve Your Back Pain And Possibly Prevent It From Getting Any Worse…”

This report contains what you need to know if you want to relieve your back pain and do your best to prevent it from getting any worse. But what if you’ve been down this road before? What if you’ve tried “new technology” before? Or what if you’re planning on seeing another doctor for your problem…maybe you even have an appointment made for this week with another so called specialist?
All this doesn’t matter. Even if you’ve seen 14 doctors, spend thousands on specialists and even had surgery…after taking the tiny little action step that I’m going to propose to you, you may be closer to living without back pain than you’ve ever been before.
As you can see, I am fond of doctors, I am one. So, don’t get me wrong or take what I said or am going to say, in the wrong way. Many doctors have knowledge and training and have helped millions cure ailments, treat disease, and even heal those that are sick. Our world really wouldn’t be the same without them. So, it’s not that I’m not fond of doctors, I’m just not fond of when a doctor tries to fix my car. (“A doctor fixing my car?)
You see, when you have a problem that is effecting your quality of life, a problem that’s preventing you from enjoying time with your family, stopping you from living life to the fullest….and when this problem is beyond your control to fix, you must find someone who can help you solve that problem. Someone who specialized in exactly what you have. Someone who knows your problem better than you know it despite living with it for so long!

You see, if my car isn’t running well, if it’s stalling, the engine fails, and tires go flat, the last person I go to is a Doctor. Why? Chances are they don’t know about these things because they aren’t or weren’t trained to deal with them or treat them.
I know right now your back is probably aching, you’re in serious discomfort, and the last thing you want to hear right now are analogies about Doctors fixing cars, or anything else OTHER THAN specific ways you can quickly and finally stop the suffering and pain you have in that darn back.
On the other hand, if you waste time listening to people who don’t know about your problem, haven’t had any experience solving a problem such as yours, and who does not have training or knowledge about the solution to your problem, you’re going to waste even more time (and money too), not to mention make your problem worse and add months, even years of suffering.

“Who Else Wants A Possible Solution To Relieve Their Back Pain?”

I’ve said all that to say this: What you’re feeling right now…the physical pain of excruciating pain in your back, the emotional pain of being frustrated and agitated daily because of this needling obstacle in your life that prevents you from enjoying anything, or the mental pain of having no place to turn…you need a Back Pain Doctor, one that lives, breathes and eats what you’re going through and one that has the technology to help you and make you feel better….I believe I can help you by using our LCD system.

Why? Well, it’s not only because I’ve had the training and experience to solve your back problem, and it’s not only because I’m going to have the guts to tell you exactly how it is…. it’s mainly because I can offer what most doctors or chiropractors in this area cannot…that’s right. The Amazing New LUMBAR CERVICAL DECOMPRESSION (LCD) Technology!
This is the newest most successful technology for severe chronic disc herniations, degenerative or bulging disc, Sciatica and neck pain. Studies have shown over an 86% success rate in eliminating these conditions with this new technology.
Even if you just read this report and never contact our office in the future, the information I’m about to share with you may save you years of pain and suffering if you listen carefully.

SO what is LCD? Basically, without getting too technical, ALL the pressure is taken off your spine and discs and negative pressure is created. What happens is this negative pressure actually sucks the herniated material back into the disc and allows it to heal. By naturally drawing the herniated material back into the disc, pinching of the nerves is relieved and so is the pain. It takes away the true cause of your pain and symptoms instead of masking it with drugs or cutting the herniation out with surgery.
There are chronic severe patients who have been around the block,
they have taken usually injections, they have done physical therapy, even chiropractic and every other type of treatment. Some even considered surgery or living a life in constant pain. They were desperate. They were open to other areas to solve their pain. And guess what…when they tried LCD a huge percentage of them felt better!
Out patients describe the treatment as a gentle, painless, intermittent pulling of your back. Many patients actually fall asleep during treatment!

  • Imagine living the rest of your life without pain!
  • Imagine waking up each day with zero back pain!

Now, you may be sick and tired trying new things. Maybe you’ve tried everything else already. Even so, YOU MUST give LCD a try!
Maybe you’re considering the family doctor, your friend’s doctors and every other type of doctor. First, let me say that most doctors do not know how to treat pack pain let alone use LCD techniques. Some are what I call “West Side Story” Doctors.
The only way they know how to solve their patients problem is by slicing and dicing with a knife! Despite all the education, the logic is absent and prevents them from solving the true problem. As a result, many back pain suffers make their pain worse after surgery. Please, and listen very closely right now, do not think that back surgery is the answer. Yes, many people have done the surgery and have gotten worse. (Up to 80 %!)

Why do doctors recommend surgery so much? Well, that’s a good question. For one, surgery is big bucks! I’m not talking just for the patient, I’m also talking about for the doctor that performs it. There are many times a patient legitimately needs surgery. Some wounds, accidents and natural born deformities require surgery. However, for the average back pain patient, SURGERY may not be needed. This probably means you.

“Why Do People Have Surgery Even When They’ve Seen And Heard About The Poor Results? Just Ask This Person…”

Good question. Ask the man I recently read about that was mountain climbing. (This is a true story and you can probably remember reading about it a few months back.)
He was thousands of feet on the side of a mountain when he ran into a bit of a problem. His arm got caught between a rock and with his hang cord. He literally hung there trying to release himself for over 48 hours! His life was now in danger. He had to make a decision.
Will he starve up there? Will he die, or will he choose to cut his arm off!! (I don’t mean to get so graphic, but the point of this story will be an eye opener for you if you’re even slightly considering surgery.) He chose the latter. Yep, he chose to cut it (arm) off. True story. With his small buck knife he slowly removed his arm so he could free himself from dying. He later said that he didn’t regret his decision. He said he’d rather save his life and live it with one arm, than have the opposite happen.

The last thing in the world any of us would do is cut our arm off! However, if it meant our life was at stake, we may consider it, but only in that situation would we do something so desperate. Which leads me to this: Why would someone cut off his or her arm? DESPERATION! No other choice! The last option! The only option!

Why does someone with back get their back operated on? Why do they choose the “cut” option? DESPERATION! The only option! No other choice!

Someone once said, “My people perish for lack of knowledge!” also, “With knowledge comes responsibility!” After reading the rest of this free report, when I reveal to you a simple, effective way to eliminate your back pain without surgery, you will no longer have to consider getting surgery because you will have the knowledge of a tiny little secret that most people who get surgery don’t even know about until its too late. Fortunately, this isn’t going to be you.

“So, if my family doctor really doesn’t know how to eliminate back pain, and the only thing he or she will do is recommend me to a back doctor which will probably end up in the operating room, who does know, how can I get help to remove my back pain?”

The answer is revealed by starting on “page 1”.

“Don’t Start Here If You Want To Relieve Your Back Pain!”

Most start on page 2. This is wrong.
“Give me some pain killers!” “AHHHH I feel better!” “Wait a minute, it hurts again…” “AHHH, more pain killers, I feel better!” Wait a minute….” and so on.

Or, “My doctor told me I just have to live with the pain…” Or, “I’ll just go get another MRI, maybe they’ll find something this time…” Or, “Maybe I’ll just take the plunge and get the surgery,
I’ll only be out of work for a few weeks, forget about the risks or side effects…I’ll be okay…”

My suffering friend, this is all starting on page 2, you’re smarter than that…start on page one!

“Okay, how do I start on page 1?”

ANSWER: YOU must start by helping yourself by acknowledging the following 4 Secrets that most back pain sufferers either don’t know or ignore about back pain:

1. Back pain is a symptom, usually not the problem
2. Back pain isn’t eliminated by drugs (this is the biggest deception)
3. Your body is equipped with a built in “back pain removal system”   for me to use anytime
4. Back pain gets worse by my lack of maintenance and poor physical health

Listen, this isn’t some mumbo jumbo stupid attempt to get you to buy some supplements or magic back pain relief pill. This is me trying, yelling desperately, “DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER..YOU MAY BE GOING THE WRONG WAY, LET ME HELP YOU!!! YOUR BACK CAN POSSIBLY FEEL BETTER, YOU CAN POSSIBLY BE PAIN FREE, STOP, STOP!! You need to give this almost incredible new technology called LCD! I’ll show you how in a minute.

“Here’s The 4 Secrets To Start Living Life Again And To Start To Finally Stop Your Back Pain From Ruling Your Life”

Here’s what you need to know, even before you think of trying LCD technology:
Secret #1: Know that back pain is a symptom, usually not the problem

Imagine going into a new home that you’re considering buying. You see how beautifully laid out it is, the creative architecture, and admire the gorgeous pictures on all the walls.

Then, for one reason or another, you notice a small mark peeking out behind one of the pictures. You walk closer to investigate and you notice that behind the picture there’s a gigantic hole. You remove the picture from the wall and see that the hole is deep and wide and inside it contains tiny little insects covering the entire frame of the wall.

You continue to remove the pictures and notice that the entire house is rotting away with termites. You ask the owners of the house what their doing about it and they respond by telling you not to worry about it, their game plan is to just cover the holes with as many pictures as possible. As the termites eat away at the walls, just put up more pictures.

This is a perfect example of how most people treat back pain! Instead of dealing with the problem, they deal with the symptom. They put a proverbial band aid on there back, thinking this will cure the excruciating pain!
Your body is like a big ship floating on the sea. When a hole gets poked into the ship, regardless of where the hole is, the entire ship will start to sink! You can’t sink half of a ship!

Your back pain can be caused by a variety of “holes” in your ship. You need someone to help you discover each “hole” patch it up, and the malfunctioning part of the ship with will run properly again, you’ll start feeling yourself again, pain free living life to the fullest.

For instance, there are many nerves that connect to sections of your back. If one, even one, of these tiny little nerves is “touched” improperly, it can feel as if a knife is jabbing into your back.

Back Pain Relief Secret #1: Fix the problem not the symptom! This is exactly what LCD will do for you!
Stop the pain by finding out what’s really causing it, fix the problem and feel great! Spinal decompression focuses directly on the nucleus of the problem by sucking the herniated material back into the disc and allowing it to heal. Talk about bulls eying the problem! (I’ll show you how you can try LCD for free in a second, but first let me share with you the biggest deception back pain sufferers fall prey to everyday and how you can avoid this and prevent physical and mental disaster!)

“Discover The Biggest Deception Back Pain Sufferers Fall For Every Day and How You Can Avoid This and Prevent Physical and Mental Disaster!”

Secret #2: Know that back pain isn’t eliminated by drugs (this is the biggest deception):

I know of young boy who had a disastrous visit with his dentist when he was four years old. It started when he had a weird allergic reaction to milk as a baby. The allergic reaction destroyed his baby teeth, and to prevent his permanent teeth from being affected, the dentist had to put caps on his teeth when he was 3 years old.
When he was 4, his mother brought him to the dentist to remove his caps and the dentist had to give him Novocain so he wouldn’t feel any pain when removing the caps. The procedure was successful, and the dentist instructed the boy that his mouth would be totally numb for a few hours. His mother reminded him not to bite his lip, like he had a habit of doing on a regular basis.
She said because of the numbing, he could possible do serious damage to his mouth if he bit his lip. Like most 4 years olds, who sometimes do exactly opposite of what mommy says, the young 4-year-old boy began to bite and chew at his lip in the waiting room as his mother was taking care of the paper work with the secretary.
Before long, blood began to stream out of the boys mouth. He couldn’t feel it because his mouth was numb so he continued to chew and bite. When his mother saw him she noticed the blood and rushed him to the emergency room for stitches. He had literally bit the inside of his mouth almost completely through to the cheek!

Obviously, this story wouldn’t have happened to an adult, right? An adult would be smarter than that right? You would think so, but unfortunately some adults do this same thing with there back because of medication!

You see, your back pain can probably be fixed or relief can probably start when we discover what’s causing it. However, if you become deceived and take drugs to eliminate the pain, all you will do is make it worse!! Avoid destroying your back permanently by getting far away from painkillers as possible!!

Painkillers simply shut off your brain from feeling your pain. They tell your brain not to acknowledge the pain, the pain is still there, it just doesn’t feel it! This fools or deceives you into doing things you wouldn’t normally do, and makes it worse.

Painkillers are not good. Before you choose to take another pill or even decide to start if you haven’t already, find out what’s causing that pain!!!

 Back Pain Relief Secret #2: Painkillers are the biggest deception and simply tell your brain to ignore the pain. Avoid them as much as possible and prevent yourself from doing permanent damage to your back!!

“How To Use Your Very Own Back Pain Removal System!”

Secret #3: Know that your body is equipped with a built-in “back pain removal system” for you to use anytime!

The human body is designed with intelligence beyond any human description! Just one molecule of DNA has more information stored into than tens of thousands of computers! Your body has main built-in functions and repair systems that automatically operate anytime something goes wrong.

One built-in system is actually a warning system…it’s called pain!! You know much about that. Right now you may be sitting at your computer reading this with pain in your back. If so, you’ll be glad you’ve spent the few minutes reading this report because in a minute, I’m going to give you a simple solution to possibly relieve your back pain faster than you thought.

First, let’s talk about “pain”. Without “pain” we would destroy ourselves. Without pain telling you your back hurts, you would have destroyed your back tens times over by now!

“Pain” tells us when to stop. It’s a natural function of our body. Another natural function of our body is healing. We see this when we have a simple paper cut. Our body goes through several healing stages, it scabs up, and eventually goes away. Your spinal and nervous system have the same capacity.
However, imagine if every time you saw your paper cut start to heal, you started to pick at and open up the wound again? Obviously, it would never heal. The body’s natural systems wouldn’t have a chance to work!

The same with your back pain and healing IT. You need to allow your back to naturally heal itself through your built-in back pain removal system! How? By first stopping re-cutting yourself and stopping the healing process! Although LCD is a computer technology, it uses non-drug or non-surgical procedures to help stop the pain! 

You must put your back into a position (no pun intended) to heal itself by finding and zeroing in on the problem, then fix….this is the essence of LCD! This will give your built in back pain removal system a better opportunity to work!

  Secret #3: Use Your Built In “Back Pain Removal System” by first discovering the actual problem

“Are You Making Your Back Pain Worse Without Even Realizing It?”

Secret #4: Know that back pain gets worse by lack of maintenance and poor physical health..

I know you don’t want to hear this now, especially when your back is aching. You’re saying, “Great, fix my back, use LCD, eliminate the pain, and then I promise I’ll start doing the preventive maintenance!”

Preventive maintenance could be exercise, regular adjustments, and living a more healthy lifestyle. Remember, you can’t sink half of the ship! Do these things and stop the pain before it starts!

 Secret #4: Regular body maintenance will prevent future back pain and existing pain pack from getting worse. So even though you won’t have to use LCD forever…you need to take care of your body forever!
Okay…now that you have all the secrets to relieving back pain, the number one thing you should do is give LCD a try. And that’s exactly what I’m going to give you an opportunity, I mean FREE, opportunity to try it! This is a $245 Value!

“The Most Important Step You Can Take To Start Feeling Better!”

This, and for this reason only, is why this free report is so important. Why? Because right now, it’s that important for you to take some action in the right direction. You must discover why that back of yours is killing you, destroying your dreams and ruining your quality of life. I highly recommend you visit our office for a free Spinal decompression analysis
to see if you qualify for this amazing treatment.
If you come in for an appointment and spinal decompression is not for you, we promise to do our best to detect, fix, and possibly eliminate what’s causing your back pain, and like so many others, you can possibly start living pain free, maybe even as fast as 24-48 hours.
Information without action is procrastination. You have the information, now take the action to find out what’s causing your back to ache.
We look forward to seeing you soon and remember…never believe anyone when they tell you you’re stuck living with your back pain.

To your health,

Dr. Hoopes

PS. Your FREE “Spinal Decompression “LCD” Consultation” will be available for a limited time. ($245 Value).  Remember, this offer is only valid for a limited time. We can’t give this away forever! There’s no obligation, so you have nothing to lose but the aching pain.  Hurry and call 435-723-0517 and reserve your FREE Consultation now

NEW! Just Released: Local Fibromyalgia Doctor Exposes The Shocking Truth About This So Called “Incurable” Condition…

Attention Fibromyalgia Sufferers: 
“Here’s A Safe & Easy Way Many Are Using To Feel Better, Be Up, Motivated, And Get Excited To Live Life Again! Discover The Secret To Finally Stop Living In Pain, Even If You’ve Tried Everything Before!”

Dear Friend In Pain,
What you’re about to read will show you step-by-step how many people are helping their pain and suffering and literally getting their life handed back to them – no matter how hard they’ve tried before… 
I don’t have to tell you that Fibromyalgia is a terrible condition that not only robs you of strength and motivation, but also in severe cases, can even strip you of the will to live.
Some say that if you’ve been suffering from Fibromyalgia, it’s not surprising if the pain and agony that you’re going though makes you want to cry or even wish you would die sometimes. At the least, it makes even the strongest minded individual stop and ask why…”why ‘me’, I can’t take it,” and “why do I have to go through this?”
If that describes you, you must want your life back. You must wish you could stop the torment and to feel energized and alive again. If you’re like most sufferers, you’ve tried so many things.
You’ve taken the meds, you’ve went to doctors, you’ve tried the magic oils, you’ve probably even gotten some type of therapy. You don’t know who or what to believe anymore. It’s even disturbing your quality of life and time with your family.When you finally get a chance to relax and enjoy yourself it attacks. Let’s say you’re out with your spouse, or the kids are with mom, or you have a chance to soak up some time to yourself. Maybe you’d like see a movie, grab dinner, simply have a nice evening out with your loved one. Then it happens. It creeps up and sets in.

“Like A Thug Just Waiting For The Perfect Time To Attack, The Pain Suddenly Creeps In”

You’re night is ruined. You can’t enjoy even a waking moment. You go home, get in bed and try to at least have a good nights sleep but you end up sleeping poorly. The next day you awake to feeling chronically tired or even depressed.
The cycle seems to repeat itself and go on and on.  You just want the pain to stop more than anything else, and you should! You deserve more, you deserve to live your life again. There has to be a way for this horror of a nightmare to stop…!
I’m going to share with you how you may be able to make it stop. Don’t let any negative thoughts of “no hope” or “being trapped” in this condition sink in. Please open your mind before you get down or even feel like there is no hope, because I want to let you in on something very positive….I may be able to help you feel yourself again!
That’s right! Regardless of how bad you think it may be, I may be able to help you! My name is Dr. Hoopes and I help people fight and overcome the horror of Fibromyalgia.
A large percentage of my patients come to me seeking help for the exact same reason you are: they’ve tried everything and have no where else to turn. They want to eliminate Fibromyalgia forever! Most of my Fibromyalgia patients have great success even with the simplest little treatment I offer and it may be able to work for you too…

“Here’s Why Fibromyalgia Ruins The Lives Of Millions Of People Each Year, And How You Can Easily Avoid This Common Mistake”

Fibromyalgia can become a crippling disease. It ruins the lives of millions people each year. Why? They never spend the time focusing in on the source of the problem.
Most of the recent research on Fibromyalgia points to brain stem injury and malfunction as the major cause of Fibromyalgia. Sometimes a simple nerve system evaluation and surface EMG test can detect the exact problem. Imagine finally, feeling yourself again and getting rid of the pain! It works for many people and it may be able to work for you too!

However, don’t just take my word for it, here’s more proof.

Check out these real-life examples:

“Initially came to the office with Fibromyalgia and the aches and pains that come with the disorder. Chiropractic care has changed my life for the better. Now I go about my life with much more pleasure. I can drive now and haven’t been able to for 10 years”! 
Sandra, 50 plus year old women, ex Fibromyalgia sufferer

“When I first came I had suffered with pain in my lower back for several months, with it eventually progressing to extend into my left leg and foot. I had gone to my family doctor and he prescribed pain medications and muscle relaxers, but it didn’t help. In fact, the medications upset my stomach and made me unable to concentrate at my job. Fortunately, my son-in-law recommended that I get a thorough evaluation. The doctor sat down with me and explained to me what my spine was doing to cause the pain and recommended a plan of care to correct the spinal misalignments, as well as gave me exercises to get me back on my feet. It was just a short time before all the pain was gone, I’m back to walking my two miles a day and can lift my grandchildren again. I recommend this to everyone that is willing to listen. I’m sold on its’ benefits!” 
Felecia, Previous Fibromyalgia sufferer
(Names were changed for privacy purposes)

“The 3 BIG Fibromyalgia Myths That May Cause You More Pain And Suffering And Makes Your Situation Even Worse!” 

I promise your situation is not unique. And more importantly – your situation is NOT hopeless.

However, you must avoid the 3 myths, or I hate to say, you will make things worse. This is a big problem. Most people who suffer from Fibromyalgia have been fed the myths by doctors, authorities, media, even friends. “It’s all in your mind!” or “You just need to stop stressing so much, calm down!”

Here are the three biggest myths about Fibromyalgia. Believing these will never get you the results you want and may make things worse: 

  • The first one is hoping that physical activity or exercise will work by itself! Exercise is important, but it sometimes makes the problem worse without first identifying the true cause of the symptoms.
  • The second is hoping the problem will go away by itself! This is ludicrous. Fibromyalgia sometimes gets worse as it gets ignored. People that put off the correct treatment can look forward to even more pain and suffering down the road.
  • The third is taking doses and doses of medication to alleviate the pain! This is most dangerous of all the fallacies! Medication or pain killers, and mind altering drugs pump chemicals into your brain to fool it and make it think the problem is gone. All the while, because of mistreatment and neglect the problem gets worse. But that’s the not as bad as the terrible side affects of pain killers and medication. Medication is the worse alternative to healing and eliminating Fibromyalgia. Not only does it make the condition worse, but also creates additional problems and even dependency on medication.

Wouldn’t you agree that it’s crazy to think you’ll get different results if you keep doing the same thing over and over again? If I keep touching a hot stove and kept getting burned – I’d be silly to think the next time I touch that hot stove I won’t get burnt.

        That’s why you need to try something different… 

“What If There Was A Safe, Simple Way You Could Become Pain Free?”

As I mentioned before, there may be a way. A way you can relieve your Fibromyalgia and even become pain free…without drugs, medication, or surgery and without losing any more quality time and missing out on the quality of life you deserve.
Due to the overwhelming amount of patients that have requested Fibromyalgia relief, I’ve decided to create a new consultation that gives sufferers a step-by-step formula to start detecting the source of Fibromyalgia. It’s different than anything else you’ve probably heard of and I would like to offer you a limited opportunity to get it FREE! This is valued up to $175!

Here’s all you need to do to get it:
Call us at 435-723-0517 for a FREE Fibromyalgia Consultation and you’ll get your Fibromyalgia FREE Consultation appointment FREE!

By the way, you don’t have to decide now if you want or will even need regular treatment- just call for your Free Fibromyalgia Consultation at our risk before it’s too late. I’m only offering this Fibromyalgia Consultation for FREE, for a limited time. It wouldn’t be fair to our existing patients to book our entire appointment book with free consultations. So we’ve decided that we’ll offer this only for a limited time.

Can I help you get rid of it forever?

Maybe. Maybe not.

The only way to find out is to take the first step by taking action and calling us at 435-723-0517. I know it may be difficult for you to do this. Maybe even the slightest effort is tiresome and a burden. That’s okay, that’s the exact reason why you must force yourself right now to call us now and get your FREE Consultation!
You owe it to yourself to finally do something for yourself! Get this thing taken care of once and for all. This is your first step to doing just that….

There is absolutely no way that you can lose – except by not taking me up on risk-free consultation.

Remember, don’t put this off. Even if for some reason you’re still considering surgery, family doctor recommendations, or pills, you must try to solve the real problem first before doing the temporary options and before your problem gets worse and worse due to neglect. We may be able to help but you must take the action….
Again, just call us at 435-723-0517 and let us take care of the rest!. The ball’s in your court!
To your health,

Dr.  Jeremiah Hoopes

PS. Remember, this offer is only valid for a limited time. We can’t give this away forever! This is a no obligation FREE consultation to help you determine the exact cause of the symptoms your feeling! You’ll then feel great especially if we detect the exact reason for what’s causing your pain (and even better if you leave with relief!)

This Free Report Is Compliments of Dr. Hoopes
770 S 200 E, Brigham City, UT 84302

The Secret To Relieving Your Headaches May Be Here…

“Discover How To Get Rid Of Your Headaches The Safe and Easy Way!
Imagine…Your Headaches Are Gone…Life Is Better…And You Can Finally Rest Knowing The Hidden Problem That Was Causing Your Aching Head! 
Dear Headache Sufferer,
I’m happy to say that, if you suffer from chronic, never ending headaches, migraines, or any head pain whatsoever, you may have just stumbled upon the most critical piece of information you’ve ever read! Yes, you’re about to discover the true reason why many people suffer from headaches, but I have to warn you, when you read what I’m about to reveal to you, it may shock you.
You’re going to be shocked, thrilled and blown away–all at the same time! When you see the true culprit behind many excruciating headaches you will be thrilled, but it’s going to shock you and blow you away because of how easy it may be for you to relieve your headaches!
You’ll scream to yourself wondering why you haven’t received this information sooner! Why maybe you’re doctor, your friends, or even your specialist didn’t tell you about this simple, safe and easy pain relieving process outlined in this report.
Believe or not, most doctors don’t know about this for one good reason: they don’t help many people relieve headaches! What you need is real answers from a headache from someone that does it for a living. And that’s exactly what you’re going to get here.
I’m going to hand you everything you need to do to safely and easily relief your headaches! In order to do this, you must do one tiny thing first…you must read the next statement carefully, and then whole heartily agree to empathically answer “yes!”:

“Are You Really Ready To Totally Forget Everything Everyone (Yes, Even Your Doctor) Has Told You About Relieving Headache Pain?” 

If not, nothing I tell you will matter and you’ll waste the next 3 minutes listening to me babble about headache relief and do nothing about applying the information to help yourself.
What I’m going to speak with you about it factual truth. My name is Dr. Hoopes and I help people get rid of headaches for a living.
In other words, I treat and help headache sufferers everyday. I help people like you relieve their headaches and get their life back.
Chances are, what you’ve heard about headache relief in the past is what I call 50/50 information….50% Wrong And 50% Someone’s Opinion…..No Factual Proof…Mostly A Bunch Of Old Wives Tales!
I’m happy to share with you the “truth”, without hype, without guessing, without fluff. I’m kind of angry because many of my current patients started out being fooled. They were hopeless.
They thought headaches were genetic or some weird side effect of food they ate or some other fallacy.  “It doesn’t have to be that way”, I’d tell them when they first didn’t believe how fast I could possibly help them. Now many are living a life pain free without headaches. I’m telling you the same…you may not have to suffer anymore! 
You must be sick and tired of headaches and sick and tired of hearing the same thing everyday…..By now, I’m sure you agree…

” Headaches Ruin, (And I Mean Ruin,) Everything!

Does any of this sound familiar? I’m sure you hear yourself saying things like this in conversations everyday…

  • “I have a headache again!”
  • “My head hurts!”
  • “Mr. or Mrs. Supervisor, I won’t be in today, I have one of those headaches…again.”
  • “I can’t go out tonight, my head hurts again!”
  • “I can feel a pulse in my head! What’s wrong with me?”
  • “It feels like I have a headache in my eye!”
  • “My head hurts…all the way down into my neck!”
  • “Didn’t I just have a headache the day before yesterday?”
  • “I’m nauseas, my head hurts…why does this happen all the time?”

Maybe you’ve been experiencing splitting headaches your whole life and just have learned to accept them. Maybe you’ve become so used to taking aspirin or pain reliever that you’ve learned to depend on them thinking it’s the only way you can survive.
If any of the above sounds familiar, your body is acting in a way that it’s not supposed to. You may feel that headaches are normal. A part of life. They shouldn’t be. (Even if your day to life may imply otherwise.)
It seems you can have the best day planned, the most exciting night planned, you can be with your favorite people simply trying to have a good time, or maybe even relaxing at home, but then it happens…your headache returns and causes not only uncomfortable, pressure and pain, but also a chunk of life gets removed from each of your experiences. You’re missing out. Your headaches are truly affecting your happiness and piece of mind.
It’s not worth it, and I’m about to show you how “pain free” may be possible for you. I’m about to give you all the information you need so can you know that you don’t have to live like this anymore. You’re probably wondering why your head is bothering you so much…

“Here’s The Underlying Reason For Your Head Pain…”

I want you to think back for a second, maybe one, two, three even ten years back. Do you ever remembering playing rough house with your kids? Playing football or falling down diving for a softball, or even falling on the basketball court or in the yard?
Have you been in a car accident? Did you ever experience any type of trauma (minor or major) within the past 10-20 years? If you answered yes to any of these, you be suffering from a typical headache that 90% of doctors and so called specialists misdiagnose…it’s call a Cervicogenic headache. Just a fancy way of saying a headache, but with “the head” not really being the source of the actual pain. 
These type headaches are sometimes characterized by pain on one side of the head, sometimes with associated neck pain on the same side but not always. Someone with these headaches perceives pain in the head, but the actual source of the pain lies in the cervical spine.

I specialize in helping people detect and relief not only these type of headaches, but most types of headaches, by pinpointing the originating source of the headache then carefully abolishing the culprit with a strategic attack at it’s core.
This sometimes instantly relieves the pain and/or perception of pain in the head or neck area and many people feel better right away. Sound good? Keep reading because these types of headache diagnoses are good and bad.
First, they’re good because once their addressed properly by a headache specialist like myself, they’re sometimes gone in a short period of time.

They’re bad because if the person experiencing headaches don’t address the problem soon enough, the type of fast, relieving remedy I can sometimes provide in some situations doesn’t work as quickly and effectively (or may not work at all).
My point is this: if you feel you’ve been suffering from headaches too long, and they come and go too often, you may have a Cervicogenic type of headache. I can’t guarantee it but I’m almost sure. Let me help you try to get rid of the pain and do my best to tell you what’s going.

Here’s what I have in mind:
I would like to offer you an exclusive opportunity for a Headache Pain Consultation. My office is located right here in Brigham City and we have convenient hours almost everyday of the week. The best part is that this valued up to $175 and it’s yours FREE!

“What You MUST Do To Get Rid Of The Pain.”

Although it is free, and you pay nothing, you do have to call 435-723-0517 as soon as possible to get it. It will only be available for a limited time for free.
This is such a no brainer.  Once you call for your FREE Headache Consultation, we’ll schedule you a time for you to come in, I’ll run a few tests, tell you what’s wrong, and give you a recommended action plan. You have nothing to lose but your headache!

It’s great because many people who do this never thought they could actually get rid of their headaches safely, easily, and in a healthy way! They can. They did! Now you can too…
Call now and get your Free Headache Consultation Valued up to $175! 435-723-0517 

Dr Jeremiah Hoopes

PS. You Have Everything You Need To Take The First Step In Relieving Your Headaches! Just Call Right Now And Get Your Free Headache Consultation Appointment (Value up to $175!)

NEW! Just Released: Local Neck Pain Doctor Exposes The Shocking Truth About Relieving Neck Pain…

“The Secret To Neck Pain Relief: How To Get Rid Of Nagging Neck Pain …Without Drugs Or Surgery”

Dear Neck Pain Sufferer,
If you’re looking for a way to relief your neck pain…you’re going to love this letter. As promised,  here’s what it contains:

  1. The key to relieving your neck pain without using drugs, surgery, or any weird remedies or quick fixes
  2. 4 Secrets To Neck Pain Relief: You get the shocking truth about getting rid of neck pain that many neck pain sufferers discover after it’s too late.
  3. The one step you can take to possible relieve your neck pain once and for all. 

Are you like the hundreds of people in our town, who are a bit skeptical about promises regarding neck pain relief? You may be saying, “Yea right, neck pain secret, I’ve tried everything” …or, “I’ve heard it all before, I’ve been to the doctors, seen the specialists….and my neck still aches!”
…if any of this is you…it’s okay, you’ll quickly change your mind when you, like them, see how simple it may be to finally heal, fix, and relieve the main culprit that’s causing your neck pain. More on that in a minute. First, before you go any further, read the next statement very carefully (don’t read even one more word of this letter until you agree to,

“Forget Everything Anyone Has Ever Told You About Relieving Neck Pain …You May Be Able To Feel Better In A Short Period Of Time!”

Even if you’re in severe pain and fed up with not being able to sit, stand, or even sleep without discomfort…maybe you’ve been suffering this way for months or even years. Forget about those previous crazy promises, weird solutions or diagnosis some doctors, friends or even so called specialists have told you.
You’re about to get the “no hype” natural way to neck pain relief…without all the glitz and glamour.
Let me introduce myself…my name is Dr. Hoopes.  I help people that suffer from neck pain. As a matter of fact, most of my day consists of helping people in your exact, painful situation. Many people come to my office each day with neck pain, and within a short period of time, become pain free. This doesn’t happen with everyone. Sometimes it takes days, even weeks before the pain is totally gone.
We have an office right here in Brigham City and I love hearing or even seeing the tremendous impact our team is making in the lives of so many people in our neighborhood. Some of our patients suffered with neck pain for a long time. Some caught the problem in the beginning stages (very smart). But all of them, before they found us, were severely suffering. Maybe like you are right now.
The pain was impeding on their quality of life, stopping them from doing activities they enjoyed, and virtually ruining their zest for life. Every day, whether it was a night out with the family, or a day home with the kids, was wrecked due to the inconvenient pain in their lower or upper neck.

“Here’s What You Need To Know To Relieve Your Neck Pain Now And How To Possibly Prevent It From Getting Any Worse…”

This report contains what you need to know if you want to get rid of your pain now, and prevent it from getting any worse. But what if you’ve been down this road before? Or what if you’re planning on seeing another doctor for your problem…maybe you’ve already made an appointment with another so called specialist?
All this doesn’t matter. Even if you’ve seen 14 doctors, spent thousands on specialists and even had surgery…after taking this tiny little action step that I’m about to propose to you, you may become closer to living without neck pain than you’ve ever have before.
As you can see, I am fond of doctors, I am one. So, don’t misunderstand or take what I’ve said or am about to say, in the wrong way.
Many doctors have the knowledge and training and have helped millions cure ailments, treat diseases, and even heal those that are sick. Our world really wouldn’t the same without them. So, it’s not that I’m not fond of doctors, I’m just not fond of when a doctor tries to fix my car. (“A doctor fixing my car?)
You see, when you have a problem that is affecting your quality of life, a problem that’s preventing you from enjoying time with your family, stopping you from living life to the fullest….and when this problem is beyond your control to fix, you must find someone who can help you solve that problem. Someone who deals in exactly what you have. Someone who knows your problem better than you know it despite living with it for so long!

You see, if my car isn’t running well, if its stalling, the engine fails, and tires go flat, the last person I go to is a Doctor. Why? Chances are they don’t know about these things because they are or weren’t trained to deal with them or treat them.
I know right now your neck is probably aching. You’re in serious discomfort. So the last thing you want to hear right now are analogies about doctors fixing cars, or anything else OTHER THAN specific ways you can quickly and finally stop the pain and suffering you have in that darn neck.
On the other hand, if you waste time listening to people who are not familiar with your problem or haven’t had any experience solving a problem such as yours, and who do not have training and/or knowledge about the solution to your problem, you’re going to waste more time, not to mention your problem will most likely worsen which can increase and prolong your suffering for months or perhaps even years.

“Who Else Wants A Possible Solution To Relieve Their Neck Pain, Maybe Even Once And For All?”

I’ve said all that to say this: What you’re feeling right now…the excruciating pain in your neck, the emotional pain of being frustrated and agitated daily because of this needling obstacle in your life which prevents you from enjoying anything, or the mental pain of feeling like you don’t have a place to turn…you need a doctor that knows about neck pain, one that lives, breathes and eats what you’re going through, to give you the solution to help you and make you feel better….I believe I can help you.

Why? Well, it’s not only because I’ve had the training and experience to solve your neck problem, it’s also because I’m going to have the guts to tell you exactly how it is, and how you may be able to relieve your neck pain very soon.
Even if you just read this report and never contact our office in the future, the information I’m about to share with you may save you years of pain and suffering if you listen carefully.

First, let me say that many doctors do not know how to treat neck pain. Some are what I call “West Side Story” Doctors. The only way they know how to solve their patients problem is by slicing and dicing with a knife!
Despite all the education, the logic is absent and prevents them from solving the true problem. As a result, many neck pain suffers make their pain worse after surgery. Please, and listen very closely right now, do not think that neck surgery is the answer. Yes, many people have done the surgery and have gotten worse. (Up to 80 %!)

So, why do many doctors recommend surgery so often? Well, that’s a good question. For one, surgery is big bucks for the doctor that performs it. However, there are many times when a patient legitimately needs surgery. Some wounds, accidents and natural born deformities require surgery. However, for the average neck pain sufferer, SURGERY may not be needed. This may include you.

“Why Do People Have Surgery Even When They’ve Seen And Heard About The Poor Results? Just Ask This Person…”

Good question. Ask the man I recently read about that was mountain climbing. (This is a true story and you can probably remember reading about it a few months neck.)
He was thousands of feet on the side of a mountain when he ran into a bit of a problem. His arm got caught between a rock and with his hang cord. His literally hung there trying to release himself for over 48 hours! His life was now in danger. He had to make a decision.
Will he starve up there, die, or will he choose to cut his arm off!! (I don’t mean to get so graphic, but the point of this story will be an eye opener for you if you’re even slightly considering surgery.) He chose the latter. Yes, he chose to cut it (arm) off. True story.
With his small buck knife he slowly removed his arm so he could free himself from dying. He later said that he didn’t regret his decision. He said he would rather save his life and live it with one arm, than have the opposite happen.

The last thing in the world any of us would want to do is cut our arm off! However, if it meant our life was at risk, we may consider it, but only in that situation would we do something so desperate. Which leads me to this: Why would someone cut off his or her arm? DESPERATION! No other choice! The last option! The only option!

Why does someone with neck get their neck operated on? Why do they choose the “cut” option? DESPERATION! The only option! No other choice!

Someone once said, “My people perish for lack of knowledge!” also, “With knowledge comes responsibility!” After reading the rest of this free report and I reveal to you a simple, effective way to possibly relieve your neck pain without surgery, you will no longer have to consider getting surgery because you will have the knowledge of a tiny little secret that many people who get surgery don’t even know about until its too late. Fortunately, this isn’t going to be you.

“So, if my family doctor really doesn’t know how to eliminate neck pain and the only thing he or she can do is recommend me to a neck doctor, then how can I get help to remove my neck pain?”

The answer is revealed by starting on “page 1”.

“Don’t Start Here If You Want To Relieve Your Neck Pain!”

Most start on page 2. This is wrong.
“Give me some pain killers!” “AHHHH I feel better!” “Wait a minute, it hurts again…” “AHHH, more pain killers, I feel better!” Wait a minute….” and so on.

Or, “My doctor told me I just have to live with the pain..” Or, “I’ll just go get another MRI, maybe they’ll find something this time…” Or, “Maybe I’ll just take the plunge and get the surgery, I’ll only be out of work for a few weeks, forget about the risks or side effects…I’ll be okay…”

My suffering friend, this is all starting on page 2, you’re smarter than that…start on page one!

“Okay, how do I start on page 1?”

ANSWER: YOU must start by helping yourself to acknowledge the following 4 Secrets that most neck pain sufferers don’t know or choose to ignore about their neck pain:

1. Neck pain is a symptom, usually not the problem.
2. Neck pain isn’t permanently eliminated by drugs (this is the biggest deception)
3.  Your body is equipped with a built in “neck pain removal system” for me to use anytime
4. Neck pain gets worse by my lack of maintenance and poor physical health

Listen, this isn’t some mumbo jumbo stupid attempt to get you to buy some supplements or magic neck pain relief pill. This is me trying desperately to tell you, “DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER..YOU MAY BE GOING THE WRONG WAY, LET ME HELP YOU!!! YOUR NECK MAY BE ABLE TO FEEL BETTER, AND YOU MAY BE ABLE TO LIVE PAIN FREE, STOP, STOP!!

“Here’s The 4 Secrets To Start Living Life Again And To Stop Your Neck Pain From Ruling Your Life”

Here’s how to relieve neck pain the safe and healthy way…
In each section you’ll find several secrets to relieving neck pain the safe and healthy way:

Secret #1: Know that neck pain is a symptom, usually not the problem

Imagine going into a new home that you’re considering to buy. You see how beautifully laid out it is, the creative architecture, and you’re admiring the gorgeous pictures on all the walls.

Then, for one reason or another, you notice a small mark peeking out behind one of the pictures. You walk closer to investigate and you notice that behind the picture there’s a gigantic hole. You then remove the picture from the wall and see that the hole is deep and wide and inside are tiny little insects covering the entire frame of the wall.

Naturally, you continue to look into this further and realize that the entire house is rotting away due to termites. You ask the owners of the house what their doing about it and they respond by telling you not to worry about it. Their game plan is to cover the holes with as many pictures as possible. As the termites eat away at the walls, just put up more pictures.

This is a perfect example of how most people treat neck pain! Instead of dealing with the problem, they deal with the symptom. They put a proverbial band aid on there neck, thinking this will cure the excruciating pain!
It’s like the analogy of rubbing this neck pain relief report on your neck expecting it to heal it? Would that work? Of course not. Then why would you expect your neck pain to be gone unless you discover and find out the true reason your neck hurts!!!

Your body is like a big ship floating at sea. When a hole gets poked into the ship, regardless of where the hole is, the entire ship will start to sink! You can sink half of a ship!

Your neck pain can be caused by a variety of “holes” in your ship. You need someone to help you discover each “hole”, patch it up, and the malfunctioning part of the ship with run properly again. You’ll start feeling like yourself again, pain free and living life to the fullest.

For instance, there are many nerves that connect to sections of your neck. If one, even one, of these tiny little nerves is “touched” improperly, it can feel as if a knife is jabbing into your neck.

Neck Pain Relief Secret #1: Fix the problem not the symptom:
Stop the pain fast by finding out what’s really causing it, fix the problem and feel great! (I’ll show you how to do this for free in a second, but first let me share with you the biggest deception neck pain sufferers fall prey to everyday and how you can avoid this and prevent physical and mental disaster!)

“Discover One Of The Biggest Deceptions Neck Pain Sufferers Fall Prey To Everyday And How You Can Avoid This And Prevent Physical And Mental Disaster!”

Secret #2: Know that neck pain isn’t permanently eliminated by drugs (this is the biggest deception):

I know of a young boy who had a disastrous visit with his dentist when he was four years old. It started when he had a weird allergic reaction to milk as a baby. The allergic reaction destroyed his baby teeth, and to prevent his permanent teeth from being affected, the dentist had to put caps on his teeth when he was 3 years old.
When he was 4, his mother brought him to the dentist to remove his caps and the dentist had to give him Novocain so he wouldn’t feel any pain when removing the caps. The procedure was successful, and the dentist instructed the boy that his mouth would be totally numb for a few hours. His mother reminded him not to bite his lip, which he had a habit of doing on a regular basis.
She said because of the numbing, he could possible do serious damage to his mouth if he bit his lip. Like most 4 year olds, who sometimes do exactly opposite of what mommy says, the young boy began to bite and chew at his lip in the waiting room as his mother was taking care of the paper work with the secretary.
Before long, blood began to stream out of the boys mouth. He couldn’t feel it because his mouth was numb so he continued to chew and bite. When his mother saw him she noticed the blood and rushed him to the emergency room for stitches. He had literally bit the inside of his mouth almost completely through the cheek!

Obviously, this story wouldn’t have happened to an adult, right? An adult would be smarter than that right? You would think so, but unfortunately some adults do this same thing with there neck because of medication!

You see, your neck pain can probably be fixed when we discover what’s causing it. However, if you become deceived and take drugs to eliminate the pain, all you may do is make it worse!! Avoid destroying your neck or making it worse and get as far away from pain killers as possible!!

Pain killers simple shut off your brain from feeling your pain. They tell your brain not to acknowledge the pain. However, the pain is still there. You just don’t feel it! This fools and/or deceives you into doing things you wouldn’t normally do, and makes it worse.

Pain killers are not good. Before you choose to take another pill or even decide to start, if you haven’t already, find out what’s causing that pain!!!

 Neck Pain Relief Secret #2: Pain killers are the biggest deception and simply tell your brain to ignore the pain. Avoid them as much as possible and prevent yourself from doing permanent damage to your neck!!

“How To Use Your Very Own Neck Pain Removal System!”

Secret #3: Know that your body is equipped with a built in “neck pain removal system” for you to use anytime!

The human body is designed with intelligence beyond any human description! Just one molecule of DNA has more information stored in it than tens of thousands of computers! Your body has main built in functions and repair systems that automatically operate anytime something goes wrong.

One built in system is actually a warning system…it’s called “pain”!! You know much about that. Right now you may be sitting at your computer reading this with pain in your neck. If so, you’ll be glad you’ve spent these few minutes reading this report because in a minute, I’m going to give you a simple solution to take the first step in relieving your neck pain.

First, let’s talk about “pain”. Without “pain” we would destroy ourselves. Without pain telling you your neck hurts, you would have destroyed your neck ten times over by now!

“Pain” tells us when to stop. It’s a natural function of our body. Another natural function of our body is healing. We see this when we have a simple paper cut. Our body goes through several healing stages, it scabs up, and eventually goes away. Your spinal and nervous system have the same capacity.
However, imagine if every time you saw your paper cut start to heal, you started to pick at it and open up the wound again? Obviously, it would never heal. The body’s natural systems wouldn’t have a chance to work!

The same with your neck pain and healing IT. You need to allow your neck to naturally heal itself through your built in neck pain removal system! How? By first stopping re-cutting yourself and prolonging the healing process! 
In order to do this, again, you must first discover the problem, fix the problem, and then you’ll be blown away at how your body may start to heal itself and as a result which could cause you to become pain free!!

You must put your neck into a position to heal itself by finding and zeroing in on the problem. This will give your built in neck pain removal system an opportunity to work!

  Secret #3: Use Your Built In “Neck Pain Removal System” by first discovering the actual problem

“Are You Making Your Neck Pain Worse Without Even Realizing It?”

Secret #4: Know that Neck pain gets worse by my lack of maintenance and poor physical health…

I know you don’t want to hear this now, especially when your neck is aching. You’re saying, “Great, fix my neck, eliminate the pain, and then I promise I’ll start doing the preventive maintenance!”

Preventive maintenance could be exercise, regular adjustments, and living a more healthy lifestyle. Remember, you can’t sink half of the ship! Do these things and stop the pain before it starts!

 Secret #4: Regular body maintenance will prevent future neck pain and existing neck pain from getting worse. 
Okay, now that you have all the secrets to relieving neck pain, did you happen to notice the most important underlying secret or the most critical thing you must do in order to rid yourself of this nagging neck pain and take your life neck again?
In all the things you just read, what stood out as the number one thing you must do before you can ever expect to truly fix your neck so it stops aching and interfering with your life?

Think now.
The number one thing you must do is……

….FIND OUT WHAT’S CAUSING THAT NECK PAIN!! YOUR NECK PAIN IS JUST A SYMPTOM, NOT THE PROBLEM!! (sorry I had to yell there BUT it’s that important for you to realize!! You must find the problem.) Everything I just told you is worthless to you unless you find and treat the problem, i.e., what’s causing your neck pain, first, before you do anything else.
Don’t put this off. You must find out the true reason your neck is in pain. If you don’t find out, you’re going to make things worst and continue to be in pain, maybe for the rest of your life.  I’m going to give you a way to finally take the proper step.

“The Most Important Step You Can Take To Start Feeling Better!”

This, and for this reason only, is why this free report is so important. Why? Because right now, it’s that important for you to take some action in the right direction. You must discover why that neck of yours is killing you, destroying your dreams and ruining your quality of life.
 You can find out quickly and easily by simply calling us Now at 435-723-0517.This will allow our team here to schedule your FREE Consultation.  (Value up to $175!)
If you decide to use it, we promise to do our best to detect, fix, and possibly relieve your neck pain, and like so many others, you may be able to start living pain free.
However, you have to act now. This free consultation opportunity may be gone within a few days. Obviously we can’t give away consultations for FREE for too long and still expect to have time to help all of our existing patients.  So, don’t lose this opportunity, call us now at 435-723-0517.
Information without action is procrastination. You have the information, now take the action to find out what’s causing your neck to ache.
Here’s what’s going to happen.

  1. You’ll call us at 435-723-0517
  2. We’ll answer any of your questions and schedule an appointment for you
  3. In some cases, your neck will start to feel better, maybe even after your first visit!

The best thing is that there’s a great chance that you’ll know what is causing your neck to ache. Then, not only will you have a chance to target and fix the problem, but you’ll give your body a chance to start healing itself.
The best thing about what you’re about to do is to take the first step in relieving your pain! Some people don’t even get that far!!

Okay, here’s what you need to do right now:

First, stop thinking about the “ifs”. “If” surgery will work, or “if” your going to find a good doctor to solve your neck pain or problem and forget about ever using pain killers!
This doesn’t find the problem. It “cuts” it away causing more problems and possibly still leaving you with pain after all the costs and sacrifice.

Second, take action immediately by calling us at 435-723-0517 for your FREE Consultation.

Here’s what’s going to happen after you call
1. You’ll get an opportunity for a FREE Consultation to discover what the heck is causing the pain in your neck 
2. When you come in, you’ll get a complete action plan for you to eliminate the neck pain and prevent it from happening again in the future.

On the other hand, if you don’t call 435-723-0517, you’ll stay wondering when you’ll feel better, when the pain will go away, and maybe even make things worse for your neck.

We look forward to seeing you soon and remember…never believe anyone when they tell you you’re stuck living with your neck pain until you see us first. I can’t wait to see your face after our first visit!!

To your health,

Dr. Hoopes

PS. Your FREE “Neck Pain Elimination Consultation” will only be available for a limited time. (Up to a $175 Value).  We can’t give this away forever! There’s no obligation, so you have nothing to lose but the aching pain.  Hurry and call now and reserve your FREE Neck Pain Consultation435-723-0517

This Free Report Is Compliments of Dr. Jeremiah Hoopes
770 S 200 E, Brigham City, UT 84302

This material is © Copyrighted by Pat Necerato

Are you like the hundreds of people in our town, who are a bit skeptical about promises regarding back pain relief?

You may be saying, “Yea right, back pain secret, I’ve tried everything” …or, “I’ve heard it all before, I’ve been to the doctors, seen the specialists….and my back still aches!”
…if any of this is you…it’s okay, you’ll quickly change your mind when you, like them, see how simple it may be to finally heal, fix, and relieve the main culprit that’s causing your back pain.
Even if you’re in severe pain and fed up with not being able to sit, stand, or even sleep without discomfort…maybe you’ve been suffering this way for months or even years. Forget about those previous crazy promises, weird solutions or diagnosis some doctors, friends or even so called specialists have told you.
You’re about to get the “no hype” natural way to back pain relief…without all the glitz and glamour.
We have an office right here in our town and I love hearing or even seeing the tremendous impact our team is making in the lives of so many people in our neighborhood. Some of our patients suffered with back pain for a long time. Some caught the problem in the beginning stages (very smart). But all of them, before they found us, were severely suffering. Maybe like you are right now.
The pain was impeding on their quality of life, stopping them from doing activities they enjoyed, and virtually ruining their zest for life. Every day, whether it was a night out with the family or a day home with the kids, was wrecked due to the inconvenient pain in their lower or upper back.
Many doctors have the knowledge and training and have helped millions cure ailments, treat diseases, and even heal those that are sick. Our world really wouldn’t be the same without them. So, it’s not that I’m not fond of doctors, I’m just not fond of when a doctor tries to fix my car. (A doctor fixing my car?)
You see, when you have a problem that is affecting your quality of life, a problem that’s preventing you from enjoying time with your family, stopping you from living life to the fullest….and when this problem is beyond your control to fix, you must find someone who can help you solve that problem. Someone who deals in exactly what you have. Someone who knows your problem better than you know it despite living with it for so long!

You see, if my car isn’t running well, if it’s stalling, the engine fails, and tires go flat, the last person I go to is a Doctor. Why? Chances are they don’t know about these things because they are or weren’t trained to deal with them or treat them.
I know right now your back is probably aching. You’re in serious discomfort. So the last thing you want to hear right now are analogies about doctors fixing cars, or anything else OTHER THAN specific ways you can quickly and finally stop the pain and suffering you have in that darn back.
On the other hand, if you waste time listening to people who are not familiar with your problem or haven’t had any experience solving a problem such as yours, and who do not have training and/or knowledge about the solution to your problem, you’re going to waste more time, not to mention your problem will most likely worsen which can increase and prolong your suffering for months or perhaps even years.
First, let me say that many doctors do not know how to treat back pain. Some are what I call “West Side Story” Doctors. The only way they know how to solve their patients problem is by slicing and dicing with a knife!
Despite all the education, the logic is absent and prevents them from solving the true problem. As a result, many back pain suffers make their pain worse after surgery. Please, and listen very closely right now, do not think that back surgery is the answer. Yes, many people have done the surgery and have gotten worse.    (Up to 80 %!)

So, why do many doctors recommend surgery so often? Well, that’s a good question. For one, surgery is big bucks for the doctor that performs it. However, there are many times when a patient legitimately needs surgery. Some wounds, accidents, and natural born deformities require surgery. However, for the average back pain sufferer, SURGERY may not be needed. This may include you

Give me some pain killers!” “AHHHH I feel better!” “Wait a minute, it hurts again…” “AHHH, more pain killers, I feel better!” Wait a minute….” and so on.

Or, “My doctor told me I just have to live with the pain..” Or, “I’ll just go get another MRI, maybe they’ll find something this time…” Or, “Maybe I’ll just take the plunge and get the surgery, I’ll only be out of work for a few weeks, forget about the risks or side effects…I’ll be okay…”

YOU must start by helping yourself to acknowledge the following 4 Secrets that most back pain sufferers don’t know or choose to ignore about their back pain:

1. Back pain is a symptom, usually not the problem.
2. Back pain isn’t permanently eliminated by drugs (this is the biggest deception)
3.  Your body is equipped with a built in “back pain removal system” for me to use anytime
4. Back pain gets worse by my lack of maintenance and poor physical health
Secret #1: Know that back pain is a symptom, usually not the problem

Imagine going into a new home that you’re considering to buy. You see how beautifully laid out it is, the creative architecture, and you’re admiring the gorgeous pictures on all the walls.

Then, for one reason or another, you notice a small mark peeking out behind one of the pictures. You walk closer to investigate and you notice that behind the picture there’s a gigantic hole. You then remove the picture from the wall and see that the hole is deep and wide and inside are tiny little insects covering the entire frame of the wall.

Naturally, you continue to look into this further and realize that the entire house is rotting away due to termites. You ask the owners of the house what their doing about it and they respond by telling you not to worry about it. Their game plan is to cover the holes with as many pictures as possible. As the termites eat away at the walls, just put up more pictures.

This is a perfect example of how most people treat back pain! Instead of dealing with the problem, they deal with the symptom. They put a proverbial band aid on there back, thinking this will cure the excruciating pain!
It’s like the analogy of rubbing this back pain relief report on your back expecting it to heal it? Would that work? Of course not. Then why would you expect your back pain to be gone unless you discover and find out the true reason your back hurts!!!

Your body is like a big ship floating at sea. When a hole gets poked into the ship, regardless of where the hole is, the entire ship will start to sink! You can sink half of a ship!

Your back pain can be caused by a variety of “holes” in your ship. You need someone to help you discover each “hole”, patch it up, and the malfunctioning part of the ship with run properly again. You’ll start feeling like yourself again, pain free and living life to the fullest.

For instance, there are many nerves that connect to sections of your back. If one, even one, of these tiny little nerves is “touched” improperly, it can feel as if a knife is jabbing into your back.

Back Pain Relief Secret #1: Fix the problem not the symptom:
Stop the pain fast by finding out what’s really causing it, fix the problem and feel great! (I’ll show you how to do this for free in a second, but first let me share with you the biggest deception back pain sufferers fall prey to everyday and how you can avoid this and prevent physical and mental disaster!)
Secret #2: Know that back pain isn’t permanently eliminated by drugs (this is the biggest deception):
I know of a young boy who had a disastrous visit with his dentist when he was four years old. It started when he had a weird allergic reaction to milk as a baby. The allergic reaction destroyed his baby teeth, and to prevent his permanent teeth from being affected, the dentist had to put caps on his teeth when he was 3 years old.
When he was 4, his mother brought him to the dentist to remove his caps and the dentist had to give him Novocain so he wouldn’t feel any pain when removing the caps. The procedure was successful, and the dentist instructed the boy that his mouth would be totally numb for a few hours. His mother reminded him not to bite his lip, which he had a habit of doing on a regular basis.
She said because of the numbing, he could possible do serious damage to his mouth if he bit his lip. Like most 4 year olds, who sometimes do exactly opposite of what mommy says, the young boy began to bite and chew at his lip in the waiting room as his mother was taking care of the paper work with the secretary.
Before long, blood began to stream out of the boys mouth. He couldn’t feel it because his mouth was numb so he continued to chew and bite. When his mother saw him she noticed the blood and rushed him to the emergency room for stitches. He had literally bit the inside of his mouth almost completely through the cheek!

Obviously, this story wouldn’t have happened to an adult, right? An adult would be smarter than that right? You would think so, but unfortunately some adults do this same thing with there back because of medication!

You see, your back pain can probably be fixed when we discover what’s causing it. However, if you become deceived and take drugs to eliminate the pain, all you may do is make it worse!! Avoid destroying your back or making it worse and get as far away from pain killers as possible!!

Pain killers simple shut off your brain from feeling your pain. They tell your brain not to acknowledge the pain. However, the pain is still there. You just don’t feel it! This fools and/or deceives you into doing things you wouldn’t normally do, and makes it worse.

Pain killers are not good. Before you choose to take another pill or even decide to start, if you haven’t already, find out what’s causing that pain!!!

 Back Pain Relief Secret #2: Pain killers are the biggest deception and simply tell your brain to ignore the pain. Avoid them as much as possible and prevent yourself from doing permanent damage to your back!!
Secret #3: Know that your body is equipped with a built in “back pain removal system” for you to use anytime!

The human body is designed with intelligence beyond any human description! Just one molecule of DNA has more information stored in it than tens of thousands of computers! Your body has main built in functions and repair systems that automatically operate anytime something goes wrong.

One built in system is actually a warning system…it’s called “pain”!! You know much about that. Right now you may be sitting at your computer reading this with pain in your back. If so, you’ll be glad you’ve spent these few minutes reading this report because in a minute, I’m going to give you a simple solution to take the first step in relieving your back pain.

First, let’s talk about “pain”. Without “pain” we would destroy ourselves. Without pain telling you your back hurts, you would have destroyed your back ten times over by now!

“Pain” tells us when to stop. It’s a natural function of our body. Another natural function of our body is healing. We see this when we have a simple paper cut. Our body goes through several healing stages, it scabs up, and eventually goes away. Your spinal and nervous system have the same capacity.
However, imagine if every time you saw your paper cut start to heal, you started to pick at it and open up the wound again? Obviously, it would never heal. The body’s natural systems wouldn’t have a chance to work!

The same with your back pain and healing IT. You need to allow your back to naturally heal itself through your built in back pain removal system! How? By first stopping re-cutting yourself and prolonging the healing process! 
In order to do this, again, you must first discover the problem, fix the problem, and then you’ll be blown away at how your body may start to heal itself and as a result which could cause you to become pain free!!

You must put your back into a position to heal itself by finding and zeroing in on the problem. This will give your built in back pain removal system an opportunity to work!

  Secret #3: Use Your Built In “Back Pain Removal System” by first discovering the actual problem

Secret #4: Know that Back pain gets worse by my lack of maintenance and poor physical health..

I know you don’t want to hear this now, especially when your back is aching. You’re saying, “Great, fix my back, eliminate the pain, and then I promise I’ll start doing the preventive maintenance!”

Preventive maintenance could be exercise, regular adjustments, and living a healthier lifestyle. Remember, you can’t sink half of the ship! Do these things and stop the pain before it starts!

Secret #4: Regular body maintenance will prevent future back pain and existing back pain from getting worse. 
Okay, now that you have all the secrets to relieving back pain, did you happen to notice the most important underlying secret or the most critical thing you must do in order to rid yourself of this nagging back pain and take your life back again?
In all the things you just read, what stood out as the number one thing you must do before you can ever expect to truly fix your back so it stops aching and interfering with your life?

Think now.
The number one thing you must do is……

….FIND OUT WHAT’S CAUSING THAT BACK PAIN!! YOUR BACK PAIN IS JUST A SYMPTOM, NOT THE PROBLEM!! (sorry I had to yell there BUT it’s that important for you to realize!! You must find the problem.) Everything I just told you is worthless to you unless you find and treat the problem, i.e., what’s causing your back pain, first, before you do anything else.
Don’t put this off. You must find out the true reason your back is in pain. If you don’t find out, you’re going to make things worst and continue to be in pain, maybe for the rest of your life.  I’m going to give you a way to finally take the proper step.

“The Most Important Step You Can Take To Start Feeling Better!”

This, and for this reason only, is why this free report is so important. Why? Because right now, it’s that important for you to take some action in the right direction. You must discover why that back of yours is killing you, destroying your dreams and ruining your quality of life.
     You can find out quickly and easily by simply calling us at 435-723-0517 and scheduling your FREE Consultation.
We promise to do our best to detect, fix, and possibly relieve your back pain, and like so many others, you may be able to start living pain free.
However, you have to act now. This free consultation opportunity may be gone within a few days. Obviously we can’t give away consultations for FREE for too long and still expect to have time to help all of our existing patients.  So, don’t lose this opportunity.
Information without action is procrastination. You have the information, now take the action to find out what’s causing your back to ache.
Here’s what’s going to happen.

  • You’ll call us at 435-723-0517
  • You decide when you want to come in and well schedule an appointment
  • In some cases, your back will start to feel better, maybe even after your first visit!

The best thing is that there’s a great chance that you’ll know what is causing your back to ache. Then, not only will you have a chance to target and fix the problem, but you’ll give your body a chance to start healing itself.
The best thing about what you’re about to do is to take the first step in relieving your pain! Some people don’t even get that far!!

Okay, here’s what you need to do right now:

First, stop thinking about the “ifs”. “If” surgery will work, or “if” your going to find a good doctor to solve your back pain or problem and forget about ever using pain killers!
This doesn’t find the problem. It “cuts” it away causing more problems and possibly still leaving you with pain after all the costs and sacrifice.

Second, take action immediately by calling Body Needs Chiropractic at 435-723-0517 to schedule your FREE Consultation.

Here’s what’s going to happen when you call
1. You’ll get an opportunity for a FREE Consultation to discover what the heck is causing the pain in your back.
2. When you come in, you’ll get a complete action plan for you to eliminate the back pain and prevent it from happening again in the future.

On the other hand, if you don’t call us, you’ll stay wondering when you’ll feel better, when the pain will go away, and maybe even make things worse for your back.
We look forward to seeing you soon and remember…never believe anyone when they tell you you’re stuck living with your back pain until you see us first. I can’t wait to see your face after our first visit!!

To your health,

Dr. Jeremiah Hoopes

PS. Your FREE “Back Pain Elimination Consultation” will only be available for a limited time. (Up to a $175 Value).  We can’t give this away forever! There’s no obligation, so you have nothing to lose but the aching pain.  Hurry and CALL US at 435-723-0517 and reserve your FREE Back Pain Consultation now:

NEW! Just Released: Local Work Injury Doctor Exposes The Shocking Truth About What Many People Overlook When They Experience An Injury At Work…

“Here’s The Biggest Mistake Many Employees Unknowingly Make After Being Injured At Work…And How To Avoid It!” 
(Knowing This Critical Truth Gives You The Secret To Getting What You Deserve And May Put You Back In The Drivers Seat
Collecting Your Paychecks Fast!)

Warning: By Law, Your Employer or Your Employer’s Insurance
Company Is Required To Pay For Care Deemed Reasonable and Necessary To Cure or Relieve Your Condition! Don’t Waste Time Or Your Employers Money…Get The Help You Need Now And Collect Your Paychecks Without Skipping A Beat (or a Bill!)”

Monday, 11:13 am
Dear Frustrated Work Injury Sufferer,

Please take a minute from your busy schedule to read this letter. I promise you won’t regret it! If you recently had a workplace injury and you’re feeling confused, frustrated or even scared about how you’re going to get back to normal feel better, and pay your bills each month, this is going to be one of the most important letters you ever read!

My name is Dr. Hoopes and I specialize in helping people with work place injuries. You’re going to see that this letter is very different from the letter you probably received when you were contacted by your employer, or by their recommended insurance company.

I have to be honest with you, if I’m going to help you, I’m going to have to be frank and get right to the point. It’s not that your employer isn’t concerned about your condition or that their insurance company doesn’t want to help you get back to work as fast as possible. But, both parties probably want to help you as cheaply as possible.
You were probably given some doctor’s name along with some cookie cutter letter and prescription. Frankly, the employers job is to make sure they abide by the law and offer you help, and the insurance company’s job is to get you that help as cheaply as possible.

“What Many Employers And Insurance Companies Keep Hidden From Work Injury Sufferers”

Most employers and insurance companies won’t tell you this so I will:

Do not be quick to sign away your rights for care with the liable insurance company. This could be a big mistake if you haven’t crossed all your “t’s”! 
They may not be as interested in your injury as you would think. First and foremost, they want to get you help, but sometimes the help they recommend isn’t enough. As an injured individual you have the right to get the help you need, and Chiropractic Care could be the most appropriate care for your type of situation! Let me explain.

Most injuries to your back, neck or spine take weeks to months to fully develop. You might feel fine immediately after a few weeks off after a work place injury only to soon start suffering terrible.
Many soft tissue or “hidden” work Injuries go un-noticed. Be assured, these may haunt you down the road if they’re not properly taken care of. Many MD’s are not properly trained to notice the early developing signs of disc, spinal injuries and hidden soft tissue injuries that are virtually undetectable by the untrained eye or typical doctor or insurance examiner.

“Here’s One of The Smartest Things Any Work Injury Victim Can Do.”

I believe on of the smartest things anyone that suffered a work injury can do is to seek care from a Chiropractor as soon as possible after their injury. If you’ve waited too long that’s okay, there still may be time.
A Chiropractor that specializes in Work Injuries is trained to detect spinal injuries before they can become debilitating, or help you once they do. Not only do you need to stop the pain, but you must rehabilitate the affected area or you’ll have major problems down the road.
This is exactly what I do. If you want to not only feel better, prevent future suffering, and get back to earning money again, I may be able to help you.

Let’s face it, if you’re like me, your neighbor, and the 3-4 million other Americans in this county, you need to make money. Being out of work or getting small paychecks is not only terrifying to people that live paycheck to paycheck, but it’s also limiting your lifestyle. You deserve to get back to the things you enjoy, even the simplest things like going to dinner, a movie or just hanging out with friends and family. 
You deserve not to miss a beat and live your life to the fullest. However, like most of us, you must get back to work so you can make the money you need to live.
Here’s the good news: Some 13 separate studies in various states have repeatedly found that Chiropractic care gets people back to work much sooner and at far lower costs than medical care for the same type of injuries!

Now you may be able to get the specialized help you need to help stop your pain, get you back to living the life you deserve, avoid falling in debt, and do the preventive maintenance you need to avoid any crippling medical problems in the future!

“What Most Work Injury Victims Wish They Knew When They Had The Chance.”

“How Can You Get Chiropractic Care?” Most employees don’t know this but, almost every employee in this state is protected by the worker’s compensation law which guarantees five benefits:

A. Medical Benefits – all injured workers are entitled to any treatment which is “reasonably required to cure or relieve from the symptoms or effects of an industrial injury”.

B. Temporary Disability Benefits – if you are out of work due to an industrial injury you receive two-thirds of your average weekly earnings or maximum $490.00 per week.

C. Permanent Disability Benefits – if you have any loss or diminished ability to “compete in the open labor market, “at the end of reaching maximum improvement, you’ll also receive permanent disability payments.

This means your employer or your employer’s insurance company must pay for reasonable and necessary care to cure or relieve your condition! This means you can use your head and seek the best possible care, you don’t have to get second rate care and listen to their suggestions!

Let me ask you a few questions to determine if you should seek Chiropractic Care for your work related injury:

1. Do you want someone who understands the nature of your injuries so you get back to work as fast as possible, and someone who has experience dealing with insurance problems? (Don’t be a number.)
2. Do you want personalized care from someone who practically lives for treating people exactly in your situation?

3. Do you want to not only to stop the pain, but to rehabilitate the affected area?
These may sound like a stupid question but most MD’s don’t rehabilitate the affected are because they don’t find the root problem, it’s not their specialty. That’s where we come in!

“What Many Doctor’s Will Never Tell You About Work Injuries.”

We don’t cover your condition with medication that temporarily relieves the problem only to grow worse. (Yes, medication can make it worse! Most doctors would never tell you this.)
We run a simply test and target your problem areas exactly, even detecting the injuries that don’t hurt now but cause future pain when you don’t expect it or can handle it.
We handle everything that you’re concerned about with your work injury: 

  • Making sure you get the proper recuperation and rehabilitation
  • Make sure you get better
  • Make sure you feel better
  • Make you feel comfortable knowing you’re in the hands of experts that deal with your type of situation everyday.
  • Make sure you get what you deserve!

Look at that list! What else could you ask for? Don’t you agree you’re in the best possible hands?

Here’s what you need to do:
First, you need to make a decision. You don’t have all day. I know it’s uncomfortable. You’re unsure and confused. We can fix all that.
Simply come in for a FREE evaluation! Yes, that’s right FREE! You can get an instant Work Injury FREE Consultation by simply calling 435-723-0517.
Again, I do this everyday so I’ll answer all your questions free of charge and be straight with you. If I can’t help you, I’ll give a complete action plan on how to find out who can.
Chances are, after we evaluate your situation, see the actual injury, including the hidden injury and see what rehabilitative options you have, you’ll be surprised on how easy it is to get this care, feel better and get back to work earning your paychecks and getting back into the swing of things.

 Here’s how to get your Work Injury FREE Consultation :
Simply call 435-723-0517 for a FREE Work Injury Consultation. By the way, you don’t have to decide now if you want or will even need regular treatment- just grab your Free Consultation at our risk by calling 435-723-0517 before its too late. 
            Can I help you detect and prevent present and future pain and suffering?

But the only way to ensure of this is to take the first step by taking action and calling 435-723-0517 now! 
I know it may be difficult for you to do this. Maybe you thought the nightmare was over and then this letter got you a little nervous thinking about the incident again. That’s okay, that’s the exact reason why you must force yourself right now to call 435-723-0517 and get your FREE Consultation!
You owe it to yourself to finally do something to get things taken care of once and for all. This is your first step to doing just that….

There is absolutely no way that you can lose – except by not taking me up on risk-free consultation.

To your health,

Dr. Jeremiah Hoopes

PS. Remember, this offer is only valid for a limited time. We can’t give this away forever! This is a no obligation, FREE consultation to determine the exact cause of the symptoms you are experiencing! 

This Free Report Is Compliments of Dr. Hoopes
770 S 200 E, Brigham City, UT 84302

This material is © Copyrighted by Pat Necerato

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